I have been playing around with my new Windows 7 and Microsoft office 2007 that I got for free from Microsoft. One of the perks of working for the company that I worked for was being able to take tests for different products that we sold in our store and get free or nice discounts. If I was certified for different companies products I was able to "sell" them to our customers better. I rarely ventured out to the sales floor but I still got the perks.
Trinity didn't have school on Thursday or Friday due to parent teacher conferences. It's been pouring down rain and Nicholas has a cough that sounds like it might get worse before it gets better. So we've been stuck in the house!
Thursday we read a lot of books! I had my conference with Trinity's teacher. So far Trinity exceeds all of the goals in her class. The class breaks up into 3 different groups for math and reading depending on skill level. Trinity is in the highest for both. Her groups also get more Spanish mixed in with their learning. I am happy that they are challenging her and keeping her busy instead of holding her back to wait for the other kids to catch up. Trinity loves to learn new things and I hope she always has that eagerness to learn.
On Thursday we also made sculptures out of marshmallows and toothpicks. The kids had fun with that one. Nicholas kept eating the marshmallows off my sculptures. We had a huge bowl of marshmallows too.
Friday we made green slime out of cornstarch, water and green food dye. I had to talk Nicholas into touching it but once he realized it washed off pretty easy he was ok playing with it. I could not believe how easy this stuff was to clean up and how fun it was to play with.