I am not sure if we have any pictures of me and both of the kids. So, today I set up the camera with the timer and got this one. Not too bad for only having a few seconds to run to the couch and get seated.

We have been getting ready for Christmas here the last few days. The kids decorated a gingerbread house and then ate the candy off on it in about 2 days.
Today Dominick crammed a tree into the back of my hatchback and brought it home. Do you know the first thing that I thought of when he told me about the tree? Not how much did you pay, or where it was purchased or anything like that... No, it was Awesome! Who is going to vacuum all the PINE NEEDLES out of my car?
Dominick has not been the only NAUGHTY one though =) Trinity had a huge fit today when I did her hair for school. After I was done she decided she hated it. I reminded her that Santa keeps a list of all the kids who are naughty and nice. She got over her fit pretty quick.
Nicholas is always very NICE. He helps out around the house. We have been working in preschool workbooks while Trinity is in school. He can write his name all by himself now!