Friday, April 25, 2008

Kind of a blah week

It doesn't happen too often but our week was kind of boring. Not much happened. Trinity went to the Dr. to get a rash looked at (it was nothing). She weighs in a 35lbs. Just for fun we weighed Nicholas too, he weighs 36lbs.

We went and visited Mana and Papa (my parents) last night. Trinity tried to get Papa to play leapfrog with her. If he didn't have a torn rotator cup I bet he would have tried =)

I guess I had an exciting moment at Safeway yesterday. They had pork tenderloins on sale this week buy one get one free. They are almost better than a good steak if you cook them right. I paid $9.99 for 2 instead of $9.99 each. They are easy to cook, all of us will eat it and I love them. Throw in some mashed potatoes and a vegetable and it's a quick very YUMMY meal.

I guess it ca be viewed as a good thing when the highlight of my week was pork loins being on sale.


Anonymous said...

awesome. we found bone in steack here regularly 20.00 for one, got two for that.
It's always exciting when you find good deals!!!!!

Stephanie said...

How funny... I too found pork tenderloin on sale this week. One night with mashed cheese potatoes and roasted green beans. Another night with rice and a homemade sweet & sour sauce. Tons of food ON SALE!