Saturday night Trinity jumped off a chair (that Nicholas was spinning) trying to land on the couch. She missed! She cried a little but Dominick didn't think much of it. He figured she was tired (it was past bedtime) and not hurt that bad. He looked at her arm but nothing seemed out of place or swollen. He gave her some Motrin and put her in bed. I was not home when it happened so when she woke up in the morning she told me her arm hurt. I looked at it and then felt both arms. Her left one was definitely swollen now.
We got in the car and headed to Urgency Care. They took x-rays and said it was dislocated. They popped it back into place and said she would be ok in the next day or 2.
This morning I got a call from the Dr who had seen Trinity the day before. She said they sent Trinity's x-rays to the pediatric radiology specialist (or something like that) and that they would like to see Trinity soon. She said she would have the specialist call back with a time they could get her in. I hung up with the Dr. A few minutes later I received a call saying they want her in ASAP because her arm was broken and they wanted to get a splint or cast on it.
I left work picked Trinity up from my mom's house and took her to the Dr. They did some more x-rays of different angles. The Dr looked at the new x-rays and said he definitely wanted a cast on her arm.
Trinity now has a bright pink cast from her armpit to her wrist. Over the past few days she has barely even complained that her arm hurt. She also didn't cry very much when she broke it. I have broken bones and I have to say it hurts a lot. But her broken arm has not slowed her down at all.
Ohhhh poor thing... So sorry to hear about the ouchie. Those hairline fractures are tricky things. I just let mine go... but her little arm still has a lot of growing to do ~
Hope you all survive the waterproofing baths, itchy arm and the bonks that Nicholas might get from a sister who may forget she has a big hard thing in the way. I'm sending some TLC vibes to all of you... ;o)
oh poor baby. I hope tha tshe feel sbetter soon what a trooper!
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