This is Trinity's preschool/5 year old picture. She has a fake smile but I thought it was good for being a school picture.

This is Nicholas' 3 year old picture. I took him to the park and took over 100 pictures. I think I need a polarizer lens for the camera. I think more of the pictures would have turned out better if I had one.
what great pictures! One thing that helps when taking pictures outdoors is this poalrizer lens. I bought one and it did make a difference.You cna also use your flash which sounds weird for daytime pictures, but if you shoot the flash higher than your subject, it fills in the spots where light form the sun could be harsh. I have also tried diferent ways using an old nylon stretched really tight.
Do you take photography, or is this just something you are learning? what kind of camera do you use?
Yeah that's good for a school pic. And he's looking so grown up!
Holy cow, that is a school pic? Our school pics are in a cheesy mobile studio that they set up in the school gym. You get to choose either a grey, blue, purple, red or green background.
Your pics are so cute.
Your kids are so cute. I'm proud to be their auntie! I'm a little bit nervous to see the pics this year. I paid too much money for them. I usually take them to Penny's for pics.
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