I was hoping for a stress free week to get ready for Thanksgiving. We are having all of Dominick's family over at our house on Thanksgiving. Dominick started out on Sunday with a what we think is a sinus infection. The pain in his head is so bad (on the floor crying in pain) they put him on percocet (sp?). The other day Dominick wanted me to put my ear on his forehead to see if I could hear what he was hearing inside his head. I could hear gurgling sounds like you would hear if you put your ear up to a stomach after eating or drinking something.
Wednesday Dominick was still not doing any better. The Dr ordered a CAT scan. Thursday the results show nothing wrong in the CAT scan (which is good). Today he seems to be doing ok but if the pain medicine starts wearing off he can feel that the pain is not gone. I have never had a bad sinus infection so I don't know if this is normal or if it takes time for the pain to go away. The Dr referred Dominick to an ear, nose and throat specialist so now we wait for them to call.
Nicholas is getting over his ear infections but he was very clingy and cried over everything all week but seems to be doing better today. Before getting sick Nicholas had been doing better at talking about what is making him angry or sad instead of just crying and making me figure out what is wrong. Let's hope he gets back to that soon.
I think today is a good day to start getting ready for Thanksgiving... I have today and tomorrow off and then this week I work everyday except Thanksgiving. Holidays in retail. I am part time and I have 34 hours this week. I have a 10 hour shift on the day after Thanksgiving.
Trinity's art projects that seem to explode all over the house. I try to get her to stay at the kitchen counter so the mess is all in one spot. But then she takes them to her room and leaves them in my room as gifts. Trinity has a whole cabinet for all of her papers, crayons and stuff she collects to make things out of. I have not figured out how to make her keep everything in that cabinet though.
Time to crank the music and starting getting the house ready for the holidays.
Good luck! Having sick people at home is no fun. Hopefully no one's sick over the holiday! Wow, I've heard horror stories of after Thanksgiving retail work...
I also heard a cool way to deal with lots of art projects. You gather them all up on the fridge and have Trinity stand in front and take a picture. Then you can post the picture on the fridge and throw out the art (hopefully).
I have been slowly throwing things away. I have kept really the cute stuff.
That is a good idea to take a picture. I think I will do that. Thanks.
Holy cow, when the sickies hit your house... they HIT! Sending some good holiday vibes your way to ensure that you can be set and ready for your family to arrive.
I too have heard about putting up all the pictures (collage style) taking a picture and then being able to toss the projects.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
I hope that things are well soon in your house and you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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