We got our Christmas tree last night. This morning while Dominick was at work the kids and I decorated it. I thought it would be cute to get a picture of the kids together in their Christmas clothes in front of the tree.
LOL! Apparently my children had other plans.
They didn't want to hold still, smile or be in the picture together.
So, here is what we got out of our little photo session...
(hand on the hip with that look on her face)
(not sure what they were trying to accomplish)
(pouty lip)
(he was flinging his head back and forth)
(done with the pictures)
(I finally we got this one)
The individual pictures were just as bad. Trinity was dancing the whole time and Nicholas wanted to flap his arms like a bird. We still have time to try again another day. Maybe I will have Dominick help me next time.
did you cut the tree from the side of the freeway just like thats 70s show or just do it the legal way?
ah the joys of holiday pictures :)
Still very cute pictures.
Okay, I am laughing... LAUGHING! 'Cuz I do this every year with three little ones and they always turn out... ummmm... like these. But guess what? I'm gonna try again year after year 'cuz that's what parents do... we must capture the moments, even these. Good luck with your next 'session'.
your kids are friggin adorable...it is those types of memories we will never forget!!!!
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