My kids are growing so fast! The clothes I bought for them just a few months ago are now too small. So, today while Trinity was a school Nicholas and I went shopping at JCPenney. They had a Clearance sale, buy one clearance item and get the second free. I can't believe how much I saved on the clothes.
Now the kids are set for a few more months!
Trinity got this cute outfit for free (on the receipt anyway) marked down from $45. It has the pants and jacket thing for when it's colder. When the weather gets warm she can wear just the dress.

Nicholas got a bunch of shirts He wears a size 5 in boys now. All of his shirts were starting to show his tummy. He is taking a nap so he can't model his new clothes.
I love bargain shopping! It's the only way to shop.
sweet! How awesome that you found such great deals on kids clothes!
My kids are taking huge growthspurts latley too! Ryan had to get new jeans last week, and he might get more if he keeps growing. The way he is eating,I don't think he is done anytime soon.
I am not a fan of shopping... but when I go and score major deals like this ~ HUGE RUSH! I just bought Crys four pairs of jeans and they are already too small. She just keeps getting so tall...
I hate shopping too! I like good deals and not alot of people. The JCPenney is pretty new, not too busy yet and not in a mall.
why can't i ever find bargains like that???? i am the worst shopper!!!
The best thing you got was the the t-shirt for Nicky that says"ALL MY GREAT IDEAS GET ME IN TROUBLE" I did say you shoud have found one in pink or purple for Trin!
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