Tuesday, October 6, 2009


After 3 years of working I am taking a leap and going back to staying at home with my kids. I've had a hard time the last 6 months or so working full time. I was away from my husband and kids way too much, especially since school started. We are cutting back and budgeting so I can be home with the kids.

I am excited and nervous at the same time. I love being home with my kids but I know we will not have any extra money. However, when you weigh family and happiness vs. money and extra stuff I am sure everyone knows which is better in the long run.

So here we go...


Thompson Tales said...

It is a very scary and exciting time...but like you said, it will be worth it in the end to be home with your kids. Having extra money is nice, but you know what, things always work out. You have made a great decision, don't feel bad about it.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you get to be home with your kids. It's a tough choice, but a rewarding one. I am so happy for you!!!!

Stephanie said...

You will love your decision when it is all said and done. You are great with your kiddos and now having momma full-time ~ icing on the cake.