Friday, March 20, 2009

1 week later

I lost 2 lbs in the last week. Dominick is down 4.5 lbs in 1 week. We stopped drinking soda, juice and energy drinks. We also started keeping more fruits and veggies around cut up and ready to grab. We don't have any chips or unhealthy snacks in our house. We also started substituting fatty foods with a better choice like ground turkey instead of ground beef and plain yogurt in place of butter and oil. Let me tell you tuna salad sandwiches are very yummy if you take out the mayo and use plain yogurt. I also added chopped red, green and orange bell peppers in place of pickles and onion.

Today Trinity came up to me and said she wanted to make cupcakes. She had a box a milk chocolate cake mix in her hand. I told her I would make them but I would not put frosting on them. She said ok, lets get started.

I googled 'how to make a healthier cake mix cake'. I found that if I used 4 egg whites instead of 3 whole eggs and use plain yogurt instead of oil I could cut out a bunch of extra fat. So we made semi healthy mini cupcakes and they were delicious. The texture was a little different but in a good way.

I also have to add that I hate filling the little cups. It's messy and time consuming most of the time. I decided to find a new way to fill them today. I got out my easy accent decorator from pampered chef filled it with the batter and pumped it into the the little cups. It was very fast and very easy. I do have to clean an extra 2 pieces but that is as easy a rinsing it and putting it into the dishwasher, no big deal.


Stephanie said...

Good job ya'll... keep up the great progress!

Mrs Smith said...

Yogurt in tuna? I just eat the tuna plain. Ground turkey is way better than beef too. We started that years ago. Our shopping cart definately looks different now when we go shopping. We only buy fresh, no processed foods.

Anonymous said...

that's awesome! I am going to try your suggestions here.

Thompson Tales said...

That is funny that you should write about weight loss...Mike and I are starting the same thing (not that he needs to lose weight)...i wish you luck and I will have to try the yogurt in tuna...