Monday, June 16, 2008

New House

We are in between houses right now. Most of our stuff is still in the old house but we have stuff at the new house too. We should be living in the new house on Saturday night. However, we don't have to be completely out of the old house until the end of the month. We are probably going to just get out, clean and hand the keys back before the end of the month though. I guess it would give them some time to get the house ready for the next people to move in. I think they may already have some new people to move in.

The landlords did a pre-walk through and they were pretty impressed at how well we kept the house up in the last 3+ years.

The thing I love most about the new house is that every room is a different color (colors I like too). Here are some pictures of the empty new house.

The living room taken from the entry way
The dining room
The kitchen
The kitchenette and family room
The other half of the family room
The backyard has a man made water feature that is pretty cool. The kids like to watch the tadpoles swim in the pond.

I was excited about having 3 bathrooms until I remembered I am the one that has to clean them =)

The upstairs has 3 bedrooms w/big closets. The old house has a huge lack of closets and storage space. I just can't wait to be all moved and unpacked.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Just Because

1. First Name: Yvonne

2. Age: 26, I'll be 27 in October

3. Location: WA, right across the border from Portland, OR

4. Occupation: Operations Coordinator at Best Buy

5. Partner: Dominick and I have been married for almost 7 years

6. Kids: Trinity, the princess, is 4 almost 5 and Nicholas, the trouble maker, is 2 almost 3.

7. Brothers/Sisters: I don't even know where to begin here... my parents have 12 children. Maybe I will blog about it someday.

Dominick has 1 brother

8. Pets: NONE... it's not that I don't like animals (Dominick says I hate them) it's just that I don't want to take care of one.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

9a. Raising 2 children... that is my biggest thing I have going on right now.

9b. We are in the process of moving into a new house that we are going to be buying.

9c. Dominic and I are going to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary on July 7th.

10. Where and for what did you go to school for?: I have not yet had the chance to go to college but it is definitely in my future. When my children start going to school full time I will go part time.

11) Parents? Right now mine live about 5 minutes away. In a few weeks they will live about 20 minutes away with traffic. I visit them all the time and my mom watches the kids while I work. Dominick's mom is about 15 minutes away. In a few weeks she will be about 10 minutes away. She works full times but sees the kids all the time.

11b. Grandparents
We just have Dominick's Grandmother we see her pretty often she also doesn't live too far from us.

12) Who are some of your closest friends?:
Tonya and Amanda even though we don't see each other as often anymore. Tonya is married and has a baby boy. Amanda has a boyfriend, a little boy and a baby boy. We e-mail and talk on the phone often.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're moving

We were not looking to move but the owner of Dominick's company has a house (actually 2) that he's been trying to sell. One day Dominick and Mike were talking and the next day we were looking at the house. It all happened pretty quick but we are excited. We really like our house we are in right now but the new one is a little bigger and newer.

My garden is going to have to be left behind. I am going to try to take some of it with me in planters but I am not sure how well it will work =(

We have until June 30th to be out of the old house so we are going to basically move on our normal days off work. The first weekend we will move stuff we don't need. The next weekend we will move stuff we do need and then the final weekend we will move misc. stuff and do a final cleaning.

I will take more pictures when I get the chance but this is the one that is on

Monday, June 9, 2008


Last night Nicholas and I were looking through baby pictures. Nicholas was looking at one where he didn't have any hair yet and said "look mom my hair was little."

I like to write funny things my kids say in their baby books. Yesterday Nicholas was helping me make my bed and I couldn't find the pillowcases. I asked Nicholas to ask Dominick where they were. He went out and said "Dad, where are the pillow blankets?"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

no more sitting on the fence

Dominick and I have gone back and forth about Trinity going to preschool, kindergarten or doing an at home preschool (like we did this year). We weren't sure if we wanted to put Trinity into a normal preschool because she is a little too advanced for them. Then starting Kindergarten early could put her at risk to fall behind emotionally being one of the youngest later down the road. I could do more at home work with her but then that is not giving her the class room atmosphere with the other kids and a teacher.

We talked to a few friends, who happen to have masters degrees in teaching, and they told Dominick and I about this preschool that does a more advanced pre-k class aimed toward kids that are turning 5 before December 31 and have had some preschool already. We were excited and called them. They only take 24 kids a year (12 in each session) and half of them are boys. They were full. Trinity was on the waiting list and she was the only girl on the waiting list. Since the school keeps the girl/boy ratio even we just had to wait for a little girl to drop. We were thinking what are the chances of one of the twelve girls dropping? Yesterday we received a call and Trinity is IN.

She got into the morning class too. I will not have to change my work schedule at all.