Friday, February 27, 2009

Trinity lost her first tooth!

Trinity's tooth has been very wiggly and we have tried to get it out for days. She however didn't want us to touch it. She didn't want to wiggle it because she thought it might hurt.

So, today she was eating a piece of garlic bread and she swallowed the tooth.

Trinity was concerned that she would not get a special surprise under her pillow since she didn't actually have the tooth. I told her that she has to write a letter to the tooth Fairy. Which is what I had to do when I swallowed my tooth when I was her age.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Trinity's Haircut

I took Trinity to get her hair cut after preschool yesterday. She has never had it cut by anyone but me up until yesterday.

Trinity has never had bangs so I told them to do a little side swipe bang. She loved all the pampering and attention that they guy gave her. He told me she was the easiest 5 year old haircut he had ever done. Normally kids 1) don't want a haircut 2) don't hold still 3) hate the blow dryer. Not Trinity.

She is already a little high maintenance I don't want to imagine what it will be like as she gets older.

Trinity used to bite her nails (finger and toe) from the time she could. I told her she could not have her nails painted until she stopped biting them. She has not bit them since. A 3, possibly 4 year habit broken just like that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


First off, Trinity has her first loose tooth. She is very excited! She has wanted to eat apples and carrots to help loosen it some more. We have not told her about the possibility of blood that comes with a lost tooth. She will find out soon enough.

The kids were both sick for 4 days each. They were throwing up and sleeping a lot. Of course they were not sick at the same time but one after the other. That threw me off for awhile. Hopefully they are not going to be sick again for a long time. Somehow, Dominick and I didn't get the virus or whatever it was.

I got my haircut today! I have wanted to cut it for a long time but Dominick likes it long. For Valentines Day he took me out to dinner. After dinner he said here is money to get your hair cut. Cut it however you want it.

I did want the layers to go up higher but I forgot my pictures at home. I think it looks cute like this though. I think I am going to dye it too but I have not completely decided yet if I am going to.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Interesting find

I was looking for envelopes for the valentines that Trinity made. I came across an envelope that had Nicholas' certificate of birth from Southwest Washington Medical Center. His birthday is wrong on it. It says he was born on July 30th at 12:32am. He was actually born on the 31st at 12:32am. We have not ordered his actual birth certificate yet so I am not sure if that one has the right date on it or not.

I do remember the day well though. I had my first contraction and my water broke just after 11pm on the 30th of July (Saturday). 1 hour and 45 minutes later (Sunday) he was born. There was no time to get an epidural or even a IV in place.

We will have to wait and see what his birth certificate says.