Friday, June 13, 2008

Just Because

1. First Name: Yvonne

2. Age: 26, I'll be 27 in October

3. Location: WA, right across the border from Portland, OR

4. Occupation: Operations Coordinator at Best Buy

5. Partner: Dominick and I have been married for almost 7 years

6. Kids: Trinity, the princess, is 4 almost 5 and Nicholas, the trouble maker, is 2 almost 3.

7. Brothers/Sisters: I don't even know where to begin here... my parents have 12 children. Maybe I will blog about it someday.

Dominick has 1 brother

8. Pets: NONE... it's not that I don't like animals (Dominick says I hate them) it's just that I don't want to take care of one.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

9a. Raising 2 children... that is my biggest thing I have going on right now.

9b. We are in the process of moving into a new house that we are going to be buying.

9c. Dominic and I are going to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary on July 7th.

10. Where and for what did you go to school for?: I have not yet had the chance to go to college but it is definitely in my future. When my children start going to school full time I will go part time.

11) Parents? Right now mine live about 5 minutes away. In a few weeks they will live about 20 minutes away with traffic. I visit them all the time and my mom watches the kids while I work. Dominick's mom is about 15 minutes away. In a few weeks she will be about 10 minutes away. She works full times but sees the kids all the time.

11b. Grandparents
We just have Dominick's Grandmother we see her pretty often she also doesn't live too far from us.

12) Who are some of your closest friends?:
Tonya and Amanda even though we don't see each other as often anymore. Tonya is married and has a baby boy. Amanda has a boyfriend, a little boy and a baby boy. We e-mail and talk on the phone often.


Sarah Webb said...

That's nice to have both sets of parents so close.

Wow, you're 7th anniversary of 7-7. Must be lucky

Mom of 2 in the Couve said...

LOL... most of the time it is.